Edible Jasper is Growing Along Main Street

Edible Jasper is Growing

Keep Pickens Beautiful is excited to join the Edible Jasper initiative to help beautify Main Street with edible and sustainable landscaping. We hope to help grow this project throughout downtown, and eventually all of Pickens County!

Edible Jasper is a project that began in 2011 by a small group of residents who wanted to promote sustainable and beneficial landscaping. The Pickens County Progress let them begin in their parking lot. The original gardens are still around the front two light posts in the Pickens County Progress parking lot. These gardens are getting an improvement and expansion soon!

Keep Pickens Beautiful is Joining the Effort!

To begin, we are continuing to expand our garden near our office at the south end of Main Street. Several years ago, we planted rosemary and oregano. The rosemary is now gigantic and the oregano is still growing, but will be much happier now that it will have more companions. So now we’re expanding the garden! During the past couple of weeks, we’ve removed the grass along the road. SouthScape donated soil for the project, and we will continue adding more plants as the weather cools.

Click HERE to visit our new Edible Jasper page for more photos!

Join the Edible Jasper Team!

KPB wants to work with you!  
Are you a local business owner who wants to help improve Main Street?  
Does edible and sustainable landscaping sound exciting?
Do you want to come play in the dirt with us?
We need your help!

Keep Pickens Beautiful is also looking for leaders to help with Edible Jasper! We have many extremely knowledgable folks in our community who can help guide our plant choices as we develop more garden spaces. Please contact us if you want to help!

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

The Edible Jasper initiative expands the sustainable and environmentally responsible actions already happening in our community. KPB wants to help grow this into an identity for Pickens County – an identity as a forward-thinking community that cares about the environment and its citizens. Edible Jasper compliments our recycling center, farm-to-table restaurants, farmers markets, and more.