Earth Day on Main

The Great American Cleanup’s

Annual Earth Day on Main Celebration

As part of the Great American Cleanup, KPB hosted the inaugural Earth Day on Main in 2022. The focus of this celebration is to thank our friends and neighbors for all they do to help improve our community through waste reduction, beautification, roadside trash collection, and more!


In addition to expressing our appreciation, at Earth Day on Main, you’ll find information about local groups and resources, fun activities for the kids, and other exciting things!


Join us on Saturday, April 26 from 12-4:00 for the 4th Annual Earth Day on Main in Perrow Park!

Earth Day on Main

We have lots of exciting events and activities for the
2025 Earth Day on Main Celebration!

Keep Pickens Beautiful

Stop by the KPB Booth to Learn Lots

Come say “Hi” to the KPB Team and learn about all our exciting activities and programs.

Over the past few years, KPB has grown, we’ve expanded our projects, and there is a lot more in the works!

Adopt-A-Road, Edible Pickens, new partnerships and collaborations, and so much more!

Plus, t-shirts and other fun swag will be available!

Recycling in Pickens County

Learn About Recycling in Pickens County

The Pickens County Recycling Center crew has put together a helpful display on how recycling is handled at our local centers.

Come learn why they do what they do, what happens to the materials, and more!

This is a FREE activity.

Edible Pickens - Lavender

More Vendors and Activities are being added daily, so check back soon for updates!

The 2025 Earth Day on Main Celebration is in the planning phase…. but watch your inbox and social channels because we’ll be sharing some exciting information soon!


We look forward to seeing you at Earth Day on Main!

Earth Day on Main 2025 is almost here!  


Do you want to be a part of the fun?


Are You Interested in Participating in th 4th Annual Earth Day on Main 2025?

  • We’re looking for eco-minded vendors, ie. local honey suppliers, upcycled art, natural beauty products, local produce, etc.
  • Would you like to play music for the crowd? We’re keeping it low key and possibly acoustic!
  • Educators welcome! We’d like to host a fun workshop to educate the community on topics such as gardening, composting, recycling, eco-crafting, etc.

Let us know and we’ll add you to the list.

Complete this form if you're interested in participating in Earth Day on Main

Earth Day on Main
I would like to:

Enjoy these photos from past Earth Day on Main celebrations


We had terrific of partners and sponsors donors for Earth Day on Main 2023.
We'd like to thank them for their support!

We would like to thank the Pickens Arts & Cultural Alliance for sponsoring music from Andy Thacker for our Earth Day event. Learn more about PACA at

Earth Day on Main - Jasper GA 2023

We would like to thank Earthbound Skills for providing fun activities for the kids.  Learn more about Earthbound Skills at

Earthbound Skills
Earth Day on Main - Jasper GA 2023

Thank you to all our raffle donors!


See you at Earth Day on Main!