KPB Earns KAB’s President’s Circle Award…. Again!

KAB's President's Award

Keep Pickens Beautiful is honored to announce we have received the ‘President’s Circle Recognition Award’ for our efforts in 2019. Keep America Beautiful presented this award to us for our work in reducing litter and beautifying our county. Our Adopt-A-Road volunteers made this award possible by keeping our roadways clear of trash and debris and reporting their collection efforts on our annual Litter Index. By volunteering their time with Keep Pickens Beautiful, our Adopt-A-Road volunteers are saving the county time and money – all while beautifying our county. 

What is the President’s Circle Award?

The President’s Circle Award recognizes Keep America Beautiful affiliates who have met or exceeded the KAB standards of merit for their community efforts to end littering, improve recycling, and work to create clean, green, and beautiful communities. Keep America Beautiful has a network of more than 650 state and community-based affiliates who effect meaningful, positive, and lasting change. This is accomplished by sponsoring innovative, locally-focused programs that address their community’s needs.

What is Adopt-A-Road?

KPB’s Adopt-A-Road program is effective thanks to the combined teamwork of our volunteers to keep Pickens County clean.  Unfortunately, litter ends up on the roads, whether intentional or accidental. Our amazing team of AAR volunteers pick up hundreds of bags of trash along hundreds of miles of roads throughout Pickens County! 

AAR volunteers adopt a portion of a state highway or a section anywhere on a county road.  These volunteers agree to clean up their section at least four times per year, but many are incredibly dedicated and are out there more often to make sure our county stays clean. 

KPB is proud to accept the President’s Circle Award on behalf of our hardworking volunteers. We would like to thank all our volunteers that work throughout the year to maintain, beautify, and improve Pickens County. If you would like to Adopt-A-Road, please learn more HERE.