Edible Pickens

Lee Newton Memorial Garden

Edible Pickens

at the Memorial Garden in Lee Newton Park

In 2002, KPB established a Memorial ~ Honorary Garden located at the Chamber of Commerce Building in Lee Newton Park. The garden is near the picnic area and provides a quiet, serene place to relax and reflect on your surroundings. Trees and shrubs have been planted in honor or memory of loved ones and a marble plaque reflects the name of the person. That same year, KPB erected a Pergola and placed benches in the garden area.

In 2015, the Memorial Garden was redesigned and the plaques were relocated to a new seating area.

In 2022, another significant reconstruction was begun – the paths were reconstructed and an Edible Pickens garden was started! The Pickens Master Gardeners had their offices in the Chamber building and had built some raised beds near our pergola. They donated those beds to us, so we began our new gardens in those beds and in our new bed in the bend of the path. Enjoy!

We are constantly adding to our gardens, so check back regularly to see how our gardens are growing!

Photos are in reverse order with the most recent first so you can see the garden today. Be sure to scroll down to see how it’s grown!

pollinators in the garden
We have such a happy garden! Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped! This is just the beginning 🙂
pollinators on catnip blooms
The pollinators also love the catnip blooms.
blue vervain
blue vervain – what a beautiful flower!
We added new kale plants to replace the seed plants we removed. They’ll fill in nicely!!
pak choy seed
we’ll let the seed mature and dry on the stalk, then we’ll shell them for our fall garden
pak choy seed and comfrey leaves
pak choy seeds – we intentionally let it go to seed for our fall garden
rosemary and onions
rosemary and onions
yarrow blooms
yarrow blooms
yarrow and rosemary
yarrow and rosemary
hyssop and yarrow
hyssop and yarrow
happy gardens
The gardens are so happy!
pollinators on comfrey
The pollinators are loving our herbs!
happy pollinators
pak choy seed
pak choy seed and happy comfrey
comfrey blooming and arugula going to seed
comfrey in bloom and arugula that’s gone to seed
a thriving garden
What a happy garden!!
bee balm
bee balm
sochan – has been an important part of the Cherokee diet due to its high nutrient value
onion sprout
A happy little onion sprout! We planted onions around the perimeter of the bed to help deter critters like groundhogs (hopefully).
happy raised bed 02
comfrey, dill, chamomile, catnip, blue vervain, bee balm, sochan, and hyssop
happy raised bed
pak choy, comfrey, arugula, and Asian cabbage
freshly planted beds
Check out the happy gardens! We added pak choy, cabbage, arugula, dill, chamomile, bee balm, hyssop, and sochan to these beds.
adding new plants
What awesome little helpers! Thank you Jasper homeschoolers! They added new plants to the middle and onions around the perimeter.
prepping the beds
The beds are almost ready for new plants!
thinning out the plants
The catnip and blue vervain needed to be thinned. The homeschoolers could take plants home for their gardens!
newly planted Edible Pickens beds
Check out the improved raised beds! There was comfrey, catnip, and blue vervain that regrew from the Master Gardeners’ gardens.
improving the soil in the raised beds
In addition to clearing out the raised beds, we also added more soil and compost.
adding more plants to the garden beds
The Jasper Homeschoolers also added plants to the new bed in the bend of the path.
cleaning out the raised beds
The Jasper Master Gardeners donated their raised beds to KPB. The Jasper Homeschoolers have partnered with us to maintain these gardens. First, the plants from last season needed to be cleared out.
the improved Memorial garden paths
In the future, we’ll fill in the paths with flood-resistant pavers. For now, the mulch looks great!
the new bed looks great
What a happy garden bed! Thanks to our excellent Serve Pickens volunteers!
adding plants to the new bed
We added rosemary, lavender, hyssop, yarrow, and more to the new bed.
adding more creeping thyme
Creeping thyme was added around the perimeter. Then we covered the paths in mulch.
adding creeping thyme
We added little plugs of creeping thyme along the edges to fill in the paths.
improving the paths
What a great team! Thanks Serve Pickens volunteers!
adding leaves to the new garden bed
This is a new garden bed with poor soil. We added a layer of leaves, then some soil, and topped it with mulch so begin improving the bed.
prepping the paths for soil  and mulch
We removed the slate chips from the paths to prep for soil and mulch
Serve Pickens 2022 volunteers cleaning up the Memorial Garden
Serve Pickens 2022 volunteers cleaning up the Memorial Garden

About the Plants

Check back soon for updates!! We are currently growing this page.

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