Edible Jasper
Main Street
Edible Jasper
Along Main Street
Unfortunately, KPB’s collaborative effort with the Downtown Development Authority was terminated in October 2022. These gardens are no longer on Main Street, but we left the page up because the spaces looked so nice and were a great example of urban foodscaping.
As you stroll down Main Street in downtown Jasper, you’ll notice garden spaces set into the sidewalk. These spaces have housed a variety of plants throughout the years; now Keep Pickens Beautiful and the Edible Jasper Team are slowly transitioning them to edible flowers, herbs, and other beneficial plants.
We aren’t pulling out the live plants, but since most of them are annuals, we’ll replace them with our foodscaping and permaculture plants.
Photos are in reverse order with the most recent first so you can see the garden today. Be sure to scroll down to see how it’s grown!