Edible Pickens

Memorial Garden in Lee Newton Park

Edible Pickens

Memorial Garden in Lee Newton Park

In 2002, KPB established a Memorial ~ Honorary Garden located at the Chamber of Commerce Building in Lee Newton Park. The garden is near the picnic area and provides a quiet, serene place to relax and reflect on your surroundings. Trees and shrubs have been planted in honor or memory of loved ones and a marble plaque reflects the name of the person. That same year, KPB erected a Pergola and placed benches in the garden area.


In 2015, the Memorial Garden was redesigned and the plaques were relocated to a new seating area.


In 2022, another significant reconstruction was begun – the paths were reconstructed and an Edible Pickens garden was started! The Pickens Master Gardeners had their offices in the Chamber building and had built some raised beds near our pergola. They donated those beds to us, so we began our new gardens in those beds and in our new bed in the bend of the path. Enjoy!

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