Simply Recycling

Working Together

To Increase Recycling

We want to help you recycle.  Let’s all work together to reduce the trash headed to our landfills.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Are you already a Simply Recycler?

Report your recycling numbers so we know how great we’re doing!

You can also update your account information and make other changes.

The Simply Recycling Center

Simply Recycling Center

How it works:

  1. Sign up to participate in our Simply Recycling program.
  2. Decide which items you are committed to Recycling. (We recommend starting with no more than four to keep things simple.)
  3. Pick up your Simply Recycling bins at our office at 56 South  Main Street (the little cabin across from 61 Main). We will charge $2 per bin, but if you realize within a year that you can no longer participate, you may return them for a full refund if they are in ‘like new’ condition.
  4. Place the bins in a convenient location in your home, such as the kitchen. The closer the bins are to where you actually use them, the more likely you are to build the recycling habit. (Post a photo to show the bins in action and to demonstrate your commitment – and how easy it is to Simply Recycle.)
  5. Report on your recycling at least once a month for six months so we can track your progress and show the world that Pickens County is committed to Simply Recycling.

We have distributed all our bins!

We will apply for another grant in the coming year and will make them available as soon as we receive the funding.
Thank you for your interest in recycling and in reducing the waste headed to the landfill!

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