Memorial Garden

Working Together to...

Remember, Honor, and Beautify

In 2002, KPB established a Memorial ~ Honorary Garden located at the Chamber of Commerce Building in Lee Newton Park. The garden is near the picnic area and provides a quiet, serene place to relax and reflect on your surroundings. Trees and shrubs have been planted in honor or memory of loved ones and a marble plaque reflects the name of the person. That same year, KPB erected a Pergola and placed benches in the garden area.

In 2015, the Memorial Garden was redesigned and the plaques were relocated to a new seating area.

In 2022, another significant reconstruction was begun – when you visit the park, please enjoy our progress and pardon evidence that the area is still under construction!

Memorial and Honorary Garden

Do yo have a loved one that you'd like to honor with a marker in the Memorial Garden?

Please complete this form. 

The associated fee covers the cost of the engraved marker.

Memorial Marker
Mailing Address
Street Address
Apt./Building/Suite #

Our Partners for the 2022 Garden Renovation

Triple P Farm and Dirtworks

Triple P Farm & Dirtworks

Triple P Farm & Dirtworks donated their labor and equipment to dig the new path foundations. They also hauled the marble gravel for the foundation and the path materials. Thank you Triple P for your incredible generosity!



Polycor donated the crushed gravel we used to build a solid foundation for the reconstructed paths. Lee Newton Park has a history of flooding, so this solid foundation will help with drainage and structural stability. Thank you Polycor for your help with this community beautification project!



SouthScape has a long history of supporting KPB projects! For this path reconstruction, they provided the path material at cost. The material used should handle the abuse these paths will endure with the expected future floods in Lee Newton Park.

Here is the start of the next evolution of the Memorial and Honorary Garden

The renovation in the Memorial and Honorary Garden will be an on-going project through 2022 and into 2023. Watch our Calendar for upcoming programs and workshops as we expand the Edible Jasper Gardens!

Now that the paths are rebuilt, we’ll do some more clean-up around the pergola and in the seating area. In the Fall of 2022 or Spring of 2023, we will add more fruit around the pergola, plant herbs in the seating area, and plant the large new garden bed in the bend of the path.

Enjoy these photos of the path reconstruction! (They are in reverse order with the most recent first.)

Enjoy these pics of the early days of the Memorial and Honorary Garden.

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